My Services & Future Outlook

Books by Kimberly David, LLP offers a variety of services such as:

Writing Development • Editing • Word Composing • On-line Video Content • Social Media Marketing • Networking Services.

By midyear of 2025, my company will:

  • Books

    Write and publish books that inspire hope while celebrating simplicity.

  • Children's Books

    Write children’s books and publish budding children’s authors.

  • Podcasts

    Write and broadcast podcasts on a variety of media.

  • ❤️HeartBeats In The Streets

    Feature visual “human interest” snippets about random subjects.

  • Screenplays

    Write and perform screenplays.

Kimberly David was born in Rockingham, NC to military parents and has traveled extensively all the days of her life.

After serving North Carolina Public Schools as an educator for 35 years, Kimberly now functions as a writer, public speaker, CEO of Books by Kimberly David, LLP and the author the❤️Heart Beats book series.

As a wife, mother of two and a proud Nana of five, Kimberly is passionate about seeing and experiencing life’s beauty through the power of WORDS!

About Kimberly David

"Simply Creating Lasting Beauty with Words!" ~Kimberly David


The ❤️Heart Beats book series are daily infusions specifically designed for ‘Life Travelers’ and people who find themselves needing to CONNECT with something uplifting and familiar!

Let’s Work Together
